Program Information
Accountants are important members of the organization. They provide accurate, up-to-date financial information required for making major business decisions. Accounting students acquire a thorough understanding of accounting principles and their application to practical business situations. Graduates are well prepared for employment for entry-level accounting positions in business, public, or nonprofit accounting.
The Accounting program offers an associate degree, an associate degree with an office specialist emphasis, and one certificate. Credit for courses in the certificate may also be applied toward the associate degree.
Scheduling and Entry Options
Day and evening classes are available. Although major courses start in the Fall Semester, students may enter any term. Full-time day students should allow at least four terms to complete degree requirements. Part-time students, day or evening, should allow at least eight consecutive terms to earn the degree. General Education course requirements can be completed at any time during the program. Courses can be completed in any order subject to the completion of course prerequisites.
Program Accreditation
The Accounting program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, 11520 West 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213, Telephone: 913-339-9356
Associate in Applied Science
Administrative Office Technology
Program Information
Office automation, information processing, and the rapid development and expansion of business and industry have created a great demand for qualified office personnel. The Administrative Office Technology program provides excellent preparation for a variety of employment opportunities and for advancement in this growing field. In addition to basic office skills, students will learn to operate computers and other high-tech equipment used in the modern office.
The Administrative Office Technology program offers an associate degree, an associate degree with a medical emphasis, a diploma, and three certificates. Credit for courses in the certificates can be applied toward the diploma and/or the associate degree. Credit for courses in the diploma can be applied toward the associate degree.
Scheduling and Entry Options
Day, evening, and online classes are available. Although major courses start in the Fall Semester, students may enter any term. Full-time day students usually complete requirements in five terms. Part-time students, day or evening, should allow eight consecutive terms to earn a degree. General Education course requirements can be completed at any time during the program. Courses can be completed in any order, subject to the completion of course prerequisites.
Program Accreditation
The Administrative Office Technology program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, 11520 West 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213, Telephone: 913-339-9356.
Associate in Applied Science
Business Administration
Program Information
The Business Administration degree prepares students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for skilled administrator positions in domestic and global enterprises. This program develops business acumen, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills required for business administrators, specialists, and associates.
The Business Administration program offers an associate degree. Emphases are offered in each of the following disciplines: Entrepreneur, Management, Marketing, and Operations Management. The program also offers three certificates.
Scheduling and Entry Options
Day, evening, and online classes are available. Although major courses start in the Fall Semester, students may enter any term. Full-time day students usually complete requirements in five terms. Part-time students, day or evening, should allow at least eight consecutive terms to earn the degree. General Education course requirements can be completed at any time during the program. Courses can be completed in any order subject to the completion of course prerequisites.
The Business Administration program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, 11520 West 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213, Telephone: 913-339-9356.
Associate in Applied Science
Computer and Information Technology
Program Information
Widespread use in business, industry, education, and government has created a demand for trained computer professionals. Hands-on training is emphasized as students prepare for entry-level positions in the information technology field. Upon graduation, employment opportunities are available in a wide range of computing environments.
The Computer and Information Technology program offers associate degree pathways in the following disciplines: Cybersecurity/Forensics, Network Systems Management, and Software and Web Development. Certificates are also available in both Cisco Network Administration and Computer Technician skills.
Scheduling and Entry Options
Students may enroll any term. Five terms of full-time course work are usually required to complete the requirements for the degree. Courses can be completed in any order subject to the completion of course prerequisites. General Education course requirements can be completed any time during the program. Students should plan to attend at least one summer term. Part-time students should allow several additional terms.
Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all CPT/IST courses used to fulfill major course requirements.
Credit for CPT and IST courses that are more than five years old must be approved by the department head.
Associate in Applied Science
Criminal Justice Technology
Criminal Justice majors acquire the knowledge and skills needed to become working professionals in the criminal justice system. The program curriculum is a blend of theory, procedure, and technical application. The program will give students a holistic understanding of each component of the criminal justice system regardless of what position the student seeks. For this reason, students will experience aspects of all components while in the program. Criminal Justice students will be exposed to elements from the three primary components: Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections. Students wishing to explore related topics may choose from a diverse set of electives including: criminal profiling, specialized policing issues, corrections, and paralegal studies. Qualified students also have the opportunity to participate in an organized internship with an area criminal justice agency, including police/sheriff agencies, coroner’s office, and juvenile probation. In order to appreciate the contributions and limitations of the criminal justice system, students will be exposed to the related disciplines of psychology, sociology, and political science.
The Criminal Justice program offers three associate degree pathways including emphasis in Law Enforcement Operations and Paralegal Studies. Certificate options include Law Enforcement Leadership and Management Certificate and Police Pre-Academy Training Certificate. Students interested in earning a baccalaureate degree, or who aren’t sure what specific career path they want to follow, should speak with a program advisor as soon as possible about career options, and the transfer (articulation) agreements maintained with area universities.
Criminal Justice Additional Requirements
In addition to meeting general admission requirements, Criminal Justice students are required to meet the specific requirements outlined below:
- Have no felony convictions on record
- Submit to a mandatory Criminal Background Check (National and State). Results shall be provided to the Criminal Justice program prior to the end of the first semester in program.
- Earn a grade of “C” or higher in CRJ and LEG courses to qualify for graduation.
- Attend mandatory program orientation with CRJ faculty or will not be permitted to register for classes the following semester. Information about background checks, program activities, fees, and professional uniform attire will be discussed at the mandatory CRJ orientation session. Students will receive an email in their TCTC email account with the date, time, and location of the mandatory orientation.
- Adhere to mandatory professional attire requirements on select professional attire days.
- Have credit towards graduation requirements for CRJ courses more than five years old must be approved by the program director.
In addition to College tuition and fees, CRJ students will incur expenses for professional attire and supplemental printed materials. Student should contact the program director for additional details.
Scheduling and Entry Options
The CRJ program is located on the Pendleton Campus. Criminal Justice students should plan to attend classes primarily at the Pendleton Campus. Although major courses start each Fall Semester, students may enter any term. Most full-time day students usually complete requirements in four to five terms. Part-time students should allow an additional two or more consecutive terms to earn a degree. Courses can be completed in any order subject to the completion of course prerequisites, but it is recommended that students follow the he recommended course sequence. General Education course requirements can be completed anytime during the program on any TCTC campus or online.
Important Information for Students
Job opportunities within the Criminal Justice field are extremely limited for those students with backgrounds that involve the willful violation of the law, violent conflict with others, psychological problems, or drug and alcohol addiction. Students with a felony conviction will not be permitted into the CRJ program, as courses will require participation in various activities such as police ride-alongs and tours of facilities, which are prohibited to individuals possessing a criminal record. Students with misdemeanor arrests and/or convictions should speak to a CRJ advisor for guidance and recommendations. Students will be required to disclose all arrests prior to beginning employment with most Criminal Justice agencies. Students with these types of issues should consult with their anticipated employer about their particular circumstances. Your advisor can also guide you generally in this regard. It is always beneficial to address these types of issues early, but it remains the students’ responsibility to resolve, discuss, or research their own personal circumstances, which may prevent them from being employable in the Criminal Justice field.
While self-expression is acceptable for academic pursuits, students should be aware that students with body art, tattoos, ungroomed facial hair, poor hygiene, or visible piercings/physical alterations (other than of a conservative nature), may have difficulty securing employment in field or participating in mandatory program activities. Moreover, individuals may be required to meet certain personal hygiene and appearance standards while working in the Criminal Justice profession. If this is a concern, please consult a CRJ advisor who can generally guide you in this regard.
Finally, individuals seeking to enter the Criminal Justice profession should consider that their personal and professional lives will be subject to thorough investigation for employment purposes. This scrutiny includes, but is not limited to
- Disclosure of all previous criminal arrest and/or convictions
- Disclosure of prior and current drug use and addictions
- Disclosure of academic performance and disciplinary actions
- Prior employment conduct/records
- Intimate partner, neighbor, and social acquaintance interviews
- Social media reviews and disclosures
- Credit checks and indicators of financial responsibility
Associate in Applied Science
Early Care and Education
Program Information
Quality early childhood programs are vital to the future success of young children. The Early Care and Education (ECE) program prepares students who are entering the field as well as students already employed in the field through coursework infused with a variety of learning experiences, on-site placements for labs in local early care and public school settings, and interactions with faculty and community professionals. The curriculum for ECE’s certificates and associate degree are designed to help students become committed, capable, and compelled early care and education professionals. Recent graduates are employed as public school teacher assistants, as teachers or teacher assistants in Head Start and other early care programs, and as directors of early care programs.
The ECE program offers an associate degree and five certificates. Credit for courses in the certificates may be applied toward the associate degree. Students interested in earning a baccalaureate degree should speak with a program advisor, as transfer agreements are maintained with area universities.
The ECE program participates in the Teacher Education And Compensation Helps (T.E.A.C.H.) program and works closely with the SC Center for Child Care Career Development and honors their credentialing system.
Scheduling and Entry Options
Students may enter any term. Part-time day students should allow additional terms to complete degree requirements. General Education course requirements can be completed at any time during the program. Courses can be completed in any order subject to the completion of course prerequisites.
Program Accreditation
The ECE program’s associate degree is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1313 L Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005-4101, Telephone: 202-232-8777.
Associate in Applied Science
Media Arts Production
Program Information
Students in Media Arts Production (MAP) will learn to write, light, shoot, record, and edit content for electronic media while developing personal talents and styles as communicators. The program provides hands-on experience in operating the equipment, technology, and software which prepares graduates for a variety of entry-level positions in the growing field of mass communications. The graduate will be prepared to create content for multiple media platforms.
MAP graduates get jobs in traditional media and in any industry, organization, or non-profit that has a message to deliver.
The Media Arts Production Program offers an associate degree and five certificates.
Scheduling and Entry Options
All program Media Arts Production (MAP) courses are offered during the day and on the Pendleton Campus. Program courses begin in the Fall Semester of each year. Entry during any other term will be permitted but may limit the courses that may be available. Courses are offered in the fall, spring and summer terms on a one-time per year basis for most of the required MAP courses. MAP 160 Introduction to Media Arts and Ethics and some electives are offered only in the summer. Full-time students usually complete requirements in five terms including one summer term. Part-time students should allow at least six to nine terms to earn the degree. General Education course requirements can be completed at any time during the program as long as placement criteria and prerequisites are satisfied.
All Media Arts Production students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in ARV and MAP courses to qualify for graduation.
Associate in Applied Science