Mar 03, 2025  
2025-2026 College Catalog 
2025-2026 College Catalog

Academic Information


TC Central

Location: 105 Ruby Hicks Hall

Registrar’s Office

Location: 133 Ruby Hicks Hall
Telephone: 864-646-8282 option 1


Student Records and Rights

Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)

Student academic and educational records are confidential and are maintained by the appropriate record custodian. These records are not disclosed without the student’s written consent as defined by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Students have a right to inspect their educational records and request corrections of records that may be inaccurate, misleading, or violate privacy or other rights. Students may obtain a copy of the College’s policy regarding FERPA from the Registrar or Corporate and Community Education. (For additional information, students may refer to the Student Code for SC Technical Colleges in Appendix 3 .)

Photographing Employees, Students, and Related Activities

The College often photographs and videos its students and employees for use in print and digital pieces to market and promote the College and the South Carolina Technical College System, as well as higher education, economic development, and related topics. Students not wishing to have their photograph or image used for these purposes should submit a written request to the Public Relations Department, Suite 265, Ruby Hicks Hall, Pendleton Campus, or call 864-646-1507.

Release of Student Information

At its discretion, the institution may release directory information for any purpose to anyone without the student’s consent. The following is considered directory information at Tri-County Technical College: student name, address, telephone number, email address, birth date, major, participation in officially recognized activities, attendance dates, enrollment status, degrees/awards received, most recent previous school attended, and photographs and electronic images.

Students have the right to withhold disclosure of directory information under FERPA. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received by TC Central by the end of the second week of classes each term or the first meeting for students enrolled in Corporate and Community Education courses.

Student Right to Know

In compliance with the Student Right to Know Act, the College makes its completion and transfer rates available to current and prospective students. Additionally, the College is required to provide information regarding campus public safety policies and to report the number of on-campus criminal offenses during the most recent calendar year and the two preceding calendar years. Information regarding completion and transfer rates is available at Information regarding on-campus criminal offenses is available at



Academic Policies

Academic Concerns and Complaints

Concerns and complaints related to learning experiences in a class can generally be resolved by communicating with the class instructor. If the student feels the issue has not been resolved after communicating the academic concern to the instructor, the department head or assistant dean is the next person to contact. If the student still feels that the issue has not been resolved after communicating with the department head or assistant dean, the next person to contact is the appropriate division dean. If the student feels the issue remains unresolved after communicating with the appropriate division dean, an appointment may be scheduled with the Dean of Student Development. Prior to scheduling that meeting, the student must document efforts to resolve the concern by submitting a completed Academic Affairs Student Concern/Complaint form, available from the Dean of Student Development.

Academic Fresh Start

The Academic Fresh Start (AFS) is designed to allow a returning student at Tri-County Technical College, under specific conditions, to have all grades earned in previous terms excluded from the overall calculation of the institutional grade point average (GPA). However, a student granted an AFS will continue to have all courses and grades on transcripts.

Academic Fresh Start is open to a returning student under the following conditions:

  • Three years must have elapsed from the end of the last semester of attendance at TCTC and the time of re-enrollment.
  • The student must have earned at least 24 credit hours (including developmental courses) from TCTC.
  • The student can petition for an AFS only once during an academic career at TCTC.
  • The student must submit a petition no later than the first day of class for the term in which AFS is being sought.
  • Exclusion of the student’s courses and grades cannot be reversed.
  • Although excluded courses and grades cannot be used to fulfill a student’s graduation requirements, the courses can satisfy prerequisite requirements.
  • A copy of the student’s application for AFS will be maintained in the student’s permanent file.
  • If a credential (degree, diploma, or certificate) has already been awarded to the student by TCTC, no courses taken prior to the award will be considered for AFS.
  • This local policy does not supersede state or federal policies related to the determination of scholarships, student financial aid, or other matters related to student cumulative GPA. Decisions regarding academic standing at other institutions and course transfer by other institutions reside with the receiving college or university. Such decisions may be made without consideration of the AFS granted by TCTC.

For additional information regarding the Academic Fresh Start, contact TC Central, Pendleton Campus, Ruby Hicks Hall, Room 105.

Attendance Policy

Class attendance is crucial to student success. As such, the College requires regular attendance to promote academic success and effective workplace skills required by employers. Additionally, the College must maintain compliance with all federal financial aid statutes regarding attendance. Therefore, a student accumulating more than the allowable number of absences during the semester will be automatically withdrawn from the course or receive a final grade pursuant to college procedures.

A student may not be absent from a class for more class meetings than are regularly scheduled in a 2-week period during the fall and spring semesters. Courses with more than six class meetings in a regularly scheduled week will have no more than six allowable absences. The number of allowable absences during the summer semester or other sessions of varying length will be 10% of the total number of class meetings.

Attendance in online courses will be determined by either students’ submission of work or engagement in a scheduled online activity.

Academic Divisions/Departments may have a more rigid attendance policy. These policies must be communicated in writing to students on the first day of class.

Additional information regarding the Attendance Policy may be found in College Procedure 3-2-1053.1.



Academic Integrity

The College is committed to the promotion of academic integrity among its students. Students are expected to carry out all of their responsibilities, including course-related assignments, with honesty. The engagement in academic misconduct by a student is unfair to fellow students who are working with integrity, and negatively impacts the value of the degrees, diplomas, and certificates awarded by the College. For these reasons, all students are asked to assist the faculty and staff in promoting academic honesty on campus. All forms of academic misconduct are subject to disciplinary action through the SBTCE procedure 3-2-106.2. For additional information, students are referred to the Student Code in Appendix 3.

Academic Honors

Dean’s List and President’s List: Each term, the College recognizes students who excel in their academic studies. To be eligible, a student must meet the following requirements for the term:

  • Be classified as a degree-, diploma-, or certificate-seeking student;
  • Earn at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 100 or higher;
  • Attain a GPA of 3.50 - 3.99 for the Dean’s List or 4.00 for the President’s List; and
  • Cannot earn an F, WF, or U grade for courses numbered 100 or below, MAT 150 or ENG 150.

Alpha Zeta Beta (AZB): AZB is the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, a national honor fraternity for community and junior college students. To be eligible for membership, students must:

  • Be enrolled in an associate degree program;
  • Have accumulated a minimum of 12 credit hours; and
  • Have achieved and maintained a GPA of at least 3.50.

Academic Distinction: Each term, the College recognizes part-time students who excel in their academic studies.  To be eligible, a student must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in 6 to 11 credit hours for two consecutive terms; and
  • Earn at least 12 semester hours during the two consecutive terms, with a grade of A in each attempted course.

Course Load

A student may enroll in, at most, eighteen credit hours in either the fall or spring semester unless specific approval is given by the department head and the division dean, or unless the program credit hour requirement published in the College Catalog exceeds eighteen credit hours for the given semester. In the case of summer term any student whose program of study is in the Arts and Sciences Division or in the Business and Public Services Division may enroll in, at most, fifteen credit hours unless specific approval is given by the department head and the division dean, or unless the program credit hour requirement published in the College Catalog exceeds fifteen credit hours.

Engineering and Industrial Technology and Health Education students may enroll in, at most, eighteen credit hours in the summer term unless specific approval is given by the department head and the division dean.

Course Waiver

With the approval of the department head, a required course may be waived; however, no credit hours will be awarded toward the degree, diploma, or certificate program requirements. Students will be required to take an approved substitute course if additional credit hours are needed to fulfill the curriculum requirements for the associate, diploma, or certificate program. If a general education course is waived and the minimum number of general education credit hours required is not earned, another approved general education course must be substituted. The source of the credit substituted may be the completion of an academic course or the receipt of credit through any method for which advanced standing is established. For major changes, the course waiver decision will not apply to the new major.

Distance Learning

To better serve the residents of the tri-county area, the College has developed distance learning classes for students who either cannot or choose not to attend face-to-face classes on one of our campuses. All on-campus services are available for students enrolled in distance learning. Students are responsible for ensuring they have the computer skills and access to computer, audio, and visual equipment required for the courses they enroll in. They should carefully note published descriptions of distance learning courses as some may require on-campus meetings or supervised tests. All students enrolled in online courses are expected to log in, communicate with the instructor, keep up with assignments, meet all due dates, and participate in courses as directed by their instructor. Distance learning courses follow the same calendar as on-campus courses, including registration, drop/add, and tuition and fee payment dates. Students enrolled in distance learning courses are expected to meet the same requirements as those enrolled in equivalent on-campus courses and to adhere to all College policies and procedures.


Mandatory Course Placement

Tri-County Technical College is committed to its mission of educating students to meet the requirements of today’s workforce. To ensure the success of students at TCTC, all students are required to take placement tests prior to enrolling, unless previous academic transcripts satisfy course prerequisites. These scores provide proper placement into English, reading, writing, mathematics and science classes. TCTC has a mandatory placement policy that requires students who score below minimum levels in reading, writing and/or math to take transitional coursework before enrolling in specific courses. This requirement enables students to develop the essential academic skills needed to succeed in their college-level classes. Also, to ensure student success in future college-level classes, students must master the prerequisite skills offered in each class to progress to the next level class.

New or Modified Course Prerequisites

Course prerequisites can change at the discretion of program directors independent of the student’s edition of the Catalog. Students should review course registration requirements for each term prior to registering for courses.

General Education Courses

General Education at Tri-County Technical College is a college-wide program of learning that provides students with a foundation for becoming well-educated people. This program provides students with foundational knowledge, skills, and values to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and collaborative and engaged citizens of a global community.  A lifelong learner values and finds fulfillment in learning opportunities beyond the formal educational experience. A critical thinker engages in rational decision-making and problem-solving. A collaborative and engaged citizen appreciates uniqueness and diversity, exhibits integrity, and acknowledges the contributions of others.

To earn an associate’s degree, a student must complete at least 15 semester hours of general education coursework, including at least three semester hours of humanities/fine arts, at least three semester hours of social/behavioral sciences, and at least three semester hours of natural sciences/mathematics. Additionally, a student must complete at least 3 semester hours of written and oral communication.  Students should refer to the general education section of their chosen program of study to determine the specific requirements for that program. A list of general education courses is located in the General Education Courses  section.

Students enrolled in programs in the Business and Public Services Division, the Health Education Division, or the Engineering and Industrial Technology Division and are considering transferring to a four-year institution should consult with their academic advisor when choosing their general education courses, as not all courses listed will transfer or apply to intended majors.



Grade Definitions

A Excellent: “A” is used in GPA calculations, earns credit hours, and carries a value of 4 grade points for each credit hour.
B Above Average: “B” is used in GPA calculations, earns credit hours, and carries a value of 3 grade points for each credit hour.
C Average: “C” is used in GPA calculations, earns credit hours, and carries a value of 2 grade points for each credit hour.
D Below Average: “D” is used in GPA calculations, earns credit hours, and carries a value of 1 grade point for each credit hour.
F Failure: “F” is used in GPA calculations, earns no credit hours, and carries 0 grade points for each credit hour attempted.
I Incomplete: “I” does not affect GPA calculations, earns no credit hours, and generates no grade points. The student will be allowed 20 instructional days into the succeeding term/session to complete the unfinished assignments (see for specific dates). The instructor may set an earlier deadline for completion of assignments. If fewer than 20 instructional days are granted, the due date for completion must be stated in writing to the student and the Registrar. “I” defaults to “F” automatically after 20 instructional days into the succeeding term if the requirements for a course grade are not completed.
W Withdrawn: “W” is not used in GPA calculations, earns no credit, and generates no grade points.  “W” may be given from the end of the drop period up to the completion of 65% of the term/session for which the class is offered (see for specific dates). 
WF Withdrawn Failing: “WF” is used in GPA calculations, earns no credit hours, and carries 0 grade points for each credit hour attempted. It is used only for Academic Integrity violations.
S Satisfactory: “S” does not affect GPA calculations, earns Continuing Education Units (CEUs), generates no grade points, and applies to noncredit programs only.
U Unsatisfactory: “U” does not affect GPA calculations, earns no Continuing Education Units (CEUs), generates no grade points, and applies to noncredit programs only.
AS Advanced Standing: “AS” earns credit hours but is not used in GPA calculations and does not generate grade points. An “AS” is given for allowable equivalent credits earned with advanced standing credit.
AU Audit: “AU” is not used in GPA calculations, earns no credit hours, and generates no grade points.
E Exempt: “E” is not used in GPA calculations, earns credit hours, and generates no grade points. An “E” is awarded for Tri-County Technical College courses that a student has been permitted to exempt as a result of testing, equivalent work experience, or other educational experience.
TA Transfer: “TA” earns credit hours but is not used in GPA calculations and does not generate grade points. A “TA” is given for allowable equivalent credits earned with the grade of “A” at other post-secondary institutions. All transfer grades must be supported by an official transcript from the post-secondary institution.
TB Transfer: “TB” earns credit hours but is not used in GPA calculations and does not generate grade points. A “TB” is given for allowable equivalent credits earned with the grade of “B” at other post-secondary institutions. All transfer grades must be supported by an official transcript from the post-secondary institution.
TC Transfer: “TC” earns credit hours but is not used in GPA calculations and does not generate grade points. A “TC” is given for allowable equivalent credits earned with the grade of “C” at other post-secondary institutions. All transfer grades must be supported by an official transcript from the post-secondary institution.

Developmental courses numbered less than 100 generate no credit hours, do not affect the GPA, and do not count toward graduation. Developmental courses numbered 100 generate credit hours (number of hours attempted) and affect the GPA but do not count toward graduation in any certificate, diploma, or degree program. Grades of A, B, C, D, F, W, I, and AU are earned in these courses. Grades marked with an asterisk on a student’s transcript are not included in GPA calculations.

Grade Point Average Calculations

Grades are calculated on a 4.0 scale. Points are awarded in this manner:

Grade   Grade Points per Credit Hour
A =   4
B =   3
C =   2
D =   1
F =   0
WF=   0

Sample Calculation

Assume a student has taken the following courses with the results shown.

Course   Credit Hours   Grade   Grade Points
BIO 101   4.0   B   3
ENG 156   3.0   C   2
MAT 110   3.0   F   0

To calculate GPA, multiply the number of credit hours by the grade points to determine the number of quality points.

Course   Credit Hours   Grade Points   Quality Points
BIO 101   4.0   3 = 12.0
ENG 156   3.0   2 = 6.0
MAT 110   3.0   0 = 0.0

Add credit hours; then add quality points

Credit Hours   Quality Points  
4.0   12.0  
+3.0   +6.0  
+3.0   +0  
10.0   18.0  

Divide the number of quality points by the number of credit hours = GPA

18 divided by 10 = 1.80 GPA



Grade Changes/Discrepancies

A student wishing to protest a course grade must first attempt to resolve any disagreement with the instructor. If the student is unable to reach a satisfactory resolution with the instructor, the student should contact the course department head, program coordinator, or assistant dean. All grade changes, including Administrative Drops, must be submitted no later than the 20th class day, as indicated on the Academic Calendar, of the subsequent term/session.


Repeating a Course

When a course is repeated, all grades will be entered on the student’s permanent academic record (transcript), and the highest of the grades will be included in the GPA calculations. In the case of identical grades, the initial grade received will be included in the GPA calculations. Students who plan to transfer should understand that the receiving college may recalculate grade point averages, including repeat grades, according to that institution’s policies. Veterans should be aware that the VA will not pay educational benefits for repeating a course for which the student has previously received graduation credit. Students receiving financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss the implications of repeating a course.

Courses taken under the former quarter system may not be replaced by semester-hour credits in the GPA calculation unless authorized by the Chief Academic Officer or designee.


Students Classification

  • Student: An individual currently enrolled in a program and/or registered for the current or upcoming term.
  • Full-Time Student: A student enrolled for 12 or more credit hours in a degree, diploma, or certificate program in a given term.
  • Half-Time Student: A student enrolled for 6 to 11 credit hours of coursework in a given term.
  • Less than Half-Time Student: A student enrolled for fewer than 6 credit hours of coursework in a given term.
  • First Semester Freshman: A student who has earned fewer than 15 credit hours.
  • Second Semester Freshman: A student who has earned between 15 to 29 credit hours.
  • First Semester Sophomore: A student who has earned between 30 to 44 credit hours.
  • Second Semester Sophomore: A student who has earned 45 or more credit hours.
  • Non-Degree Student: A student enrolled in one or more courses who has no immediate intention to transfer into or graduate from a program at the College. To be classified as a non-degree student, a student must be at least 18 years of age, a high school graduate (or equivalent), or a high school student with permission from their principal and parents/legal guardians. Exceptions must be approved by the Chief Academic Officer, the Dean of Student Development, or their designees.
  • Transient Student: A student enrolled in one or more courses with the intention of transferring the credit(s) back to the student’s home institution.
  • Corporate and Community Education Student: A student enrolled in a Corporate and Community Education class/seminar.

Academic Year

The College’s academic year is divided into three terms: Fall semester, Spring semester, and Summer Term. In some majors, students need to attend classes only during Fall and Spring semesters. Other majors require students to attend both semesters and the Summer Term. For scheduling and entry options, see the curriculum guides for each major.

Time Commitment

A full-time schedule is defined as a minimum of 12 credit hours per week of classroom instruction or laboratory work and an average of 18-24 hours per week of outside study. Students balancing work and family with college coursework should be aware of the time commitment and plan accordingly. No student can carry more than 18 credits per term without permission from the department head or dean. See Course Load section for details.

Prior Coursework/Transfer Credit

Acceptance of Credit and Awarding of Advance Standing

The College allows students the opportunity to earn credit through transfer of courses from other post-secondary institutions and through advanced standing opportunities. However, a student must earn a minimum of 25% of the credit hours required for a degree, diploma, or certificate through courses taken at the College. Two courses selected from the curriculum major (excluding electives) must be included in the approved coursework for a diploma or degree, unless specifically exempted by both the department head and dean.

A student does not have to be admitted to the College in order to have experience or coursework evaluated for advanced standing credit. A student must, however, be enrolled in a curriculum program to have advanced standing credit documented on an official College transcript.

Advanced Placement Examinations (AP)

The College recognizes the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. High school students interested in receiving Advanced Placement credit are encouraged to participate in their high school’s Advanced Placement (AP) programs. Examination results should be sent to Tri-County Technical College by the College Board. Credit is awarded to those who earn 3, 4, or 5 on the College Board AP examination. Credit will be recorded as “Advanced Placement” on transcripts.

International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examinations (IB)

Students may receive credit for courses by making an acceptable score on IB Higher Level Exams. Students may contact TC Central for more information. Credit will be recorded on transcripts as “Advanced Placement.”

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students may receive credit for courses by making an acceptable score on the CLEP tests. Although the College does not administer the CLEP, students may contact the Registrar’s Office for more information. Credit will be recorded on transcripts as “Advanced Placement.”

Examination Credit

Students who believe they have mastered course outcomes through work or educational experiences and who wish to receive course credit without enrolling in classes by taking an examination must:

  • Present evidence documenting education or work experience that is similar to the content of a particular course to the appropriate department head.
  • Submit a request for the examination to the appropriate department head who will determine eligibility for the exam.
  • Pay a fee of $75 for each examination and present the receipt at the time the exemption exam is administered.
  • Earn a grade of at least a “C” on the examination, as defined in current course syllabi.

Credit will be recorded on the student’s transcript as “Exemption Exam.” A student may not retake an exemption exam. (Exceptions due to extenuating circumstances may be granted by the Chief Academic Officer upon receipt of a written request from the student.)

In no case can the exception be granted more than once for a course. A student who has enrolled in a course (i.e. audited, failed, withdrawn, etc.) will not be permitted to take an exemption examination for that course. A copy of the test must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office along with the Advanced Standing Credit form.

Technical Advanced Placement (TAP)

The College will award credit for specific College courses to area high school students who have successfully completed all procedures outlined in TAP Teacher Recommendation forms. Students taking high school courses, especially in occupational and technical areas, that cover skills and competencies equivalent to content in Tri-County Technical College courses, may qualify to earn credit for the Tri-County courses. Students may have their skills verified through examination or by completing coursework that requires the use of skills acquired in high school. Validation guidelines for each course are included in the Teacher Recommendation forms in the TAP section of the College website ( High school students who would like more information about TAP should contact their guidance counselor or occupational teacher and/or review the TAP information on the College’s website. TAP credit will be documented on College transcripts as “Technical Advanced Placement” credit. A copy of the test, or other equivalency verification, must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office along with the Advanced Standing Credit form.

Experiential Learning

Military Education: The College recognizes educational experiences in the armed services. In determining credits to be awarded for such experiences, recommendations provided in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, published by the American Council on Education, are considered. Credit will be recorded on the student’s transcript as “Educational Experience.”  A copy of the supporting documentation must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office with the Advanced Standing Credit form.

Documented Work Experience: The College may grant credit for documented work experience in writing from the student’s employer. The justification must tie the prior experience to the competencies of the relevant course. The subject-matter department head will determine the relevancy of the documented work experience to a specific course and ensure the work experience does not duplicate credit already awarded or planned for the student’s academic program. Elective credit may be awarded at the discretion of the subject-matter department head. Documented work experience credit may be awarded for no more than 25% of the credit hours applied toward a degree, diploma, or certificate. Credit will be recorded on the student’s transcript as “Work Experience.”  A copy of the supporting documentation must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office with the Advanced Standing Credit form.

Transfer Credit

Tri-County Technical College will grant credit for courses taken at other regionally accredited post-secondary institutions provided the student earned a “C” (or minimum grade point of 2.0) or above in those courses. Transfer credits from a college without regional accreditation must be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Workforce Development who will document exceptions and submit them to the Registrar’s Office. A student’s official transcript from other colleges will be evaluated and credit determined by the appropriate subject department head or program coordinator. Transfer credit will be granted according to the following guidelines:

  • A student’s official transcripts from other colleges will be evaluated and credit determined by the appropriate subject department head.
  • Credit will be given for the equivalent College course.
  • If the equivalent College course credits do not exceed the course credits being transferred by more than one-half credit hour, full credit for the College course will be granted. If the College course credits exceed the course credits being transferred by more than one-half credit hour, the student has the option of taking an exemption exam or requesting a course waiver.
  • Elective credit may be granted for courses for which the College does not have an equivalent course.
  • Transfer credit may be granted for all applicable courses without regard to when the credit was initially earned. (Exceptions: Some curricula may require that credit be earned within a specified period of time. In some technical courses, the student may also be advised to validate competency.)
  • If a student has exempted prerequisite courses and has earned credit for advanced courses at an institution where previously enrolled, the student may request that exemption credit also be granted by the College by providing appropriate documentation. In lieu of appropriate documentation, the student may take an exemption exam (for credit) or request a course waiver (no credit). 
  • While enrolled in a degree, diploma, or certificate program at the College, students must secure permission from their advisor prior to taking courses at other post-secondary institutions for transfer credit. The Transient Permission form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to taking the course.

CHE State Policies and Procedures

The Commission on Higher Education (CHE) for the state of South Carolina coordinates post-secondary education in public-supported institutions, including policies and procedures for students and their course credits transferring between and among these institutions. The CHE has established transfer policies and procedures that all State public institutions must follow.

Most courses in the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science majors are designed for transfer to other colleges and universities (see Arts and Sciences Division section). Credits earned in other majors may be evaluated by other institutions on an individual basis.

The chief transfer officer at the College is the Dean of the Arts and Sciences Division. This officer administers the transfer degree programs (Associate of Arts and Associate of Science) and coordinates the advising of transfer students. Students may consult the dean of their programs of study for questions concerning transfer of courses into program curricula. CHE regulations and procedures are listed in Appendix 2.

Statewide Articulation of 86 Courses

The Statewide Articulation Agreement of 86 courses approved by CHE for transfer from two-year to four-year public institutions will be applicable to all public institutions, including two-year institutions and institutions within the same system. In instances where an institution does not have synonymous courses to ones on this list, it will identify comparable courses or course categories for acceptance of general education courses on the statewide list.

Tri-County Technical College offers 64 of the 86 courses articulated by CHE:


























FRE 101 - Elementary French I  

FRE 102 - Elementary French II  

FRE 201 - Intermediate French I  

FRE 202 - Intermediate French II  




































Transferable Courses

Tri-County Technical College offers numerous other transferable courses taught by faculty credentialed at the University Transfer level. The receiving institution is responsible for evaluating student transcripts and making decisions concerning which courses are applied to degree programs.







Additional General Education Courses identified for University Transfer can be found in the General Education Courses  section of the catalog.

Registration, Drop/Add, and Withdraw    


Academic advising for course selection is mandatory for all students enrolled in a degree, diploma, or certificate program.  Registration dates are listed on the Academic Calendar ( Prior to each term, students should complete the following registration processes:

CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENTS may register for courses online via the College’s portal after being advised of course selections. Appointments with advisors should be made during the “Advising for Currently Registered Students” period.

NEW, RETURNING, or TRANSFER STUDENTS may register for courses online via the College’s portal after attending orientation and being advised about course selections.

After completing the registration process, ALL STUDENTS should:

  • Verify financial aid award status via their College’s portal account, if applicable.
  • Pay tuition and fees in the Business Office.

No student is officially enrolled until all fees are paid.

Drop/Add Period

Students interested in changing their schedules after classes have started may do so online via the College’s portal. Students may add classes to their schedules during the first three instructional days and drop classes during the first five instructional days of a 14-week session. Students who wish to change sections of the same course or move from certain upper and lower biology, chemistry, English, reading, or math courses will be allowed to do so throughout the drop period. The add and drop periods will be prorated for sessions of varying lengths as published in the Academic Calendar (

Students who add courses after the term begins are responsible for classes missed. Students receiving financial aid must contact the Financial Aid Office to review their adjusted financial aid awards.

Withdrawal from a Class

Any student may withdraw from a class online via the College’s portal after the drop/add period through the withdrawal deadline of the session for which the class is offered. The class withdrawal deadline is noted on the Academic Calendar ( If a student withdraws from a class or is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the attendance policy and the last date of attendance is on or prior to the last day to withdraw, then the student will receive a grade of “W.”  If the student is withdrawn from a class and the last date of attendance is after the last day to withdrawal, then the student will receive the final course grade calculated as stated in the course syllabus.

A grade of “W” may be awarded after the deadline, provided the student presents reasonable, documented, non-academic circumstances as justification for an exception to the withdrawal policy. Such an exception requires the approval of the instructor and head of the department in which the course is housed.

The student is responsible for all transactions, including notification of the Financial Aid Office, if financial aid, scholarships, or VA education benefits are being received.

Withdrawal from the College

All students officially withdrawing from the College must complete a “Withdraw from College” form available in TC Central. Students must meet with a Financial Aid counselor before submitting the form to TC Central. NOTE: Students leaving the College without completing the “Withdraw from College” form are considered unofficially withdrawn. 

A student’s federal financial aid eligibility must be recalculated for students who withdraw (officially or unofficially), drop out, or are dismissed prior to completing 65% of a semester. Federal Financial Aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Stafford Loans.  Federal Financial Aid must be returned to the federal government based on the percentage of unearned aid.  A student who does not complete at least 60% of a semester may owe a repayment to the College and/or the federal government for the amount of unearned Federal Financial Aid based on the length of time the student was enrolled. Immediate repayment may be required.

A student who owes the College may not be permitted to register for a subsequent term or obtain an academic transcript until the debt is paid. Payment should be made to the Business Office. A student who owes the federal government may be turned over to the U.S. Department of Education and be required to provide documentation of a satisfactory payment arrangement before federal or state financial aid eligibility is restored.


Academic Advising

Academic advising is a critical component of the transformational educational experience at Tri-County Technical College. Its primary purpose is to assist students in the development of meaningful curricular and co-curricular plans and to align those plans with attainable life goals.

Academic Advisors provide students with specialized, personal contact, and seek to meet student needs in the following ways:

  • Assist in the development of realistic educational plans compatible with academic, life, and career goals based on a student’s abilities and time constraints;
  • Provide individualized, proactive academic guidance throughout a student’s academic career, including monitoring and following up on student progress;
  • Aid students through their academic careers in developing decision-making skills and in becoming autonomous and self-reliant;
  • Refer to appropriate support services both on campus and in the community; and
  • Provide job placement information and university transfer assistance as needed.

Essential to the advising process is the need to listen to and respect advisee concerns and maintain confidentiality.

Auditing a Class

A student who wishes to attend credit classes, but who does not wish to take examinations or receive a grade or semester hour credits, may register as an audit student.

An “Audit Registration Form” must be completed and returned to TC Central prior to the last day of the add period. Students may not change status (credit to audit or audit to credit) after the add period for the term.

Audit students pay regular course tuition and fees and are eligible for refunds according to the Tuition Fee Refund for Credit Programs policy and procedure during the drop/add period. Audit students must adhere to the College attendance policy during the drop/add period.

Students who previously audited a course must register and pass the course in order to receive credit for the course. Students may not receive credit by examination for previously audited courses. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the Chief Academic Officer upon written request of the student. An audited course may not be used to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Participation of audit students in class discussions is at the discretion of the instructor.

Standards of Academic Progress    

Standards of Academic Progress

Standards of Academic Progress (SAP)

The purpose of having Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) is to assist students in attaining their educational goals by providing a scale to measure progress toward program completion. A minimum institutional grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is used at the College to determine SAP. Institutional intervention strategies are in place for students who fall below this standard. To remain in good standing, a student enrolled in classes and pursuing an associate degree, diploma, or certificate must achieve and maintain a minimum of a 2.0 institutional GPA, excluding exempted or transfer hours.

Some programs may have requirements that must be met for competitive entry and to maintain good standing. Such requirements are published in this Catalog in the section for those specific academic majors and/or programs. Students participating in Federal Financial Aid or other student aid programs are subject to specific satisfactory academic progress requirements that impact continued eligibility. The College administers financial aid programs according to the regulations set forth by the United States Department of Education and other regulatory bodies. These requirements are articulated in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Federal and Other Student Aid Programs policy.

Requirements for Students Not in Good Standing

The College has a progressive support system to help students enrolled in curriculum programs maintain good academic standing. Student institutional grade point averages (GPAs) are updated at each term’s end. Students not in Good Standing are notified via College e-mail of their current status and the academic improvement requirements that must be completed to return to Good Standing. Requirements are detailed in College Procedure 3-2-1050.5. Failure to meet requirements may lead to academic suspension or dismissal. Students on academic suspension or dismissal are notified of their academic standing at the College via their TCTC email and print letter sent to the permanent address on record. The status of students will be indicated on their permanent academic records. Registration will be prevented for students on academic suspension until they have satisfied all requirements.


Graduation Requirements

To apply for graduation and have the opportunity to participate in commencement, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Satisfactorily complete the required courses and the number of credit hours specified in a program of study.
  • Achieve at least a 2.00 grade point average in the program of study.
  • File a completed “Graduation Application” with the Registrar prior to the graduation application deadline, as indicated on the Academic Calendar (
  • Pay all financial obligations owed to the College.
  • Earn a minimum of 25% of the credit hours required for a degree, diploma, or certificate through courses taken at the College.
  • Earn credit for a minimum of two courses selected from the major curriculum (excluding electives) at the College unless specifically exempted by both the department head and dean administering that major.

Only those students who have applied for graduation by the deadline and met all graduation requirements may participate in the commencement ceremony.

Students who have applied for graduation but do not meet all graduation requirements will be notified by the Registrar via email and mailed letter that they are not eligible to graduate. To be considered for a future graduation, students must submit a new graduation application and satisfy all requirements as outlined here.

Students who satisfy all curriculum and financial requirements but do not apply for graduation will be administratively awarded their credential(s) within one semester of completion. These students will not participate in the commencement ceremony.

Graduation Honors

Graduates with outstanding institutional grade point averages will be recognized as honor graduates. Honors designations are as follows: 3.50 - 3.74 (Cum Laude), 3.75 - 3.94 (Magna Cum Laude), and 3.95 - 4.00 (Summa Cum Laude).

Honor cords designate by color that students are graduating Cum Laude (blue), Magna Cum Laude (silver), and Summa Cum Laude (gold). The College covers the costs of gold tassels and honor cords.




Commencement Ceremonies

Commencement ceremonies are held at the end of the Fall semester, Spring semester, and the Summer semester each year. All students must apply to graduate. All graduates are encouraged to attend the commencement ceremonies.

Academic Support Services    

Learning Commons

A vibrant and active space, the TCTC Learning Commons integrates a range of key academic supports that, together, enhance and deepen the student learning experience at multiple levels and across disciplines.  From writing and research skills to learning strategies and tools, from critical information literacy to foundational content support and tutoring ─the Learning Commons works to extend students’ learning toolkit, helping them to think critically, communicate effectively, and connect richly in the classroom and beyond.  Students are invited to explore the many study spaces and support services.

Tutoring & Content Support
  • One-on-one or small group assistance from qualified, professional tutors
  • Content-specific support for most subject areas, from math and science to accounting and economics to social sciences and humanities
  • Writing across the disciplines with an emphasis on process, from topic and rough draft to final edits and bibliography
Supplemental Instruction
  • Guided, peer-to-peer sessions with a proven record of success
  • Group-based and course-specific in an accessible drop-in format
  • Focused on historically difficult courses that are a challenge to many students
Learning Strategies & Academic Coaching
  • Personalized consultations focusing on foundational skills and innovative learning techniques
  • Evidence-based approaches to maximize returns on learning and studying
  • Organizational & time management skills
Research Support & Critical Literacy
  • Individual consultations and point-of-need support from skilled research professionals
  • Focus on collegiate-level, scholarly information sources
  • Guidance on critical understanding of information use
Academic Library Collection
  • Robust, contemporary print collection and vast shared-content collection
  • Over half a million digital resources (e.g., databases, journals, articles, news, and more)
  • Streaming film and media

The Learning Commons is located on the Pendleton Campus on the top floor of the Student Support Center. Learning Commons locations can also be found on the Anderson, Easley, and Oconee campuses.

Hours: Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m–6:00 p.m.; Friday: 7:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m., unless otherwise posted.


The Learning Commons Service Desk

The Learning Commons Tutoring Service Desk

Testing Center

The Testing Center administers placement tests, academic make-up testing, nursing entrance exams, certification testing, and tests for third-party distance learning. The Center also proctors tests for students requiring testing accommodations approved through the Accessibility Resource Center. Students are encouraged to arrive at the Testing Center early enough to allow sufficient time to complete testing prior to the published closing time. An acceptable picture ID, such as a state-issued, military, or valid school ID, is required. Presenting a TCTC student ID is highly recommended and will expedite the check-in process. For more information about Testing Center services, call 864-646-1300 or visit



Disclosure Statement Regarding Professional Licensure and Certification Programs

Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) programs are designed to meet licensure and certification requirements as prescribed by the State of South Carolina and does not make a determination on whether its licensure and certification programs meet the requirements of other states.

Students residing outside of South Carolina may only be admitted to a TCTC licensure or certification program that does not meet the educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in their state if they provide a written attestation that they intend to seek employment in South Carolina upon completion of the program.

Licensure and certification requirements are subject to change at any time. Students outside of South Carolina considering a TCTC program that leads to professional licensure or certification should contact the licensing board in their state to seek information on state licensure requirements before enrolling.

If students are enrolled in a TCTC program that leads to professional licensure or certification and they attend at least one class or portion of a class in a state other than South Carolina, they will be considered to be located in that state for the purposes of this disclosure.